The Sinen Library
"Transforming empty shelves to wonder filled Libraries."
Our Libraries
Daro Library
Rural libraries in Ethiopia face various problems to uplift the communities, such as, lack of independent library building, access to books and financial problems are few of the many.
Our Daro library is expected to give access to rural brilliant students. These students are the future.
Jemmo 2 Library
What a great privilege it is to invest on children’s mind and enable them to change their lives for the better. By donating books you give other people the opportunity to discover for themselves that ONE book that could change their life. Passing on your books to someone else is the simplest way to spread the spirit of reading.
Our second library.
This library is expected to give access to books for 8126 students.
Burka Wayo Library
Burka wayo is a school with a total population of 5480 students. Yet no Library or a single book. We manage to change that just with in a month. Thanks to your partners and our amazing team.
Just look in to their eyes and tell us you don’t see hope?
Book Club
We are so happy to announce the launching of our first Book club. This project was made possible by Afropolitan hotel’s great assistance.
Location-Around 22 , behind Afropolitan hotel.
Reading book together is a great way to grow as a community.
Come pay us a visit.